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All absences require a written explanation to the teacher on the day the student returns to school. The written excuse must state the inclusive dates of the absence, the reason for the absence, and must be signed and dated by a parent or legal guardian.

A phone call is helpful, but it does not satisfy the legal requirement for excusing absences. Failure to send a note results in an illegal absence on the child’s attendance record.

If students are LATE for school (8:56 AM), they must be accompanied to the office with a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian. No child should be dropped off without an adult escort into the building after the doors to the school have been locked at 8:55 AM.

Students leaving during school hours must be signed out in the main office. Students should only leave school early for medical appointments or family emergencies. A note indicating the student’s early departure and the name of the person who will pick up the student must be sent to school and handed in by the student in the morning. Parents are encouraged to use the Crosby Note Pads when communicating with the school. Parents are not permitted to take students from the classroom or playground. Students will be called to the office when the parent arrives.

Students will not be signed out from the Main Office after 2:45 PM.