Stay informed, Connect with other parents, Make your voice heard, Volunteer
Become a Member!
Membership is open to anyone with a child in school or employed at Crosby School. The PTO consists of 6 board members, parents, and teachers. Volunteers are important for supporting the overall atmosphere and experience of your child's time at E.R. Crosby Elementary School.
- Become a volunteer
- Attend our meetings on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM
- Share ideas & make your voice heard
Our Work
- Organize: We organize school events and fundraisers as a key part of the PTO. Events include an ice cream social, trunk or treat, book fairs, picture days, field day, and more.
- Enrichment: We provide enrichment monies to pay for assemblies, field trips, technology, classroom supplies not funded by the school budget, and equipment to support the staff and enrich our Cubs' education.
- Support: We foster relationships among the school, parents, teachers, staff and community partners to promote the best possible learning environment for our children through volunteerism.